Behind the Scenes: Tips for Aspiring Health Coaches featuring Michelle Leotta

Behind the Scenes: Tips for Aspiring Health Coaches featuring Michelle Leotta

In this episode, host Megan McCrory chats with well-respected health coach, IIN graduate, and founder of the Health Coach Power Community, Michelle Leotta. They delve into Michelle’s experiences transitioning from a corporate career into health coaching, her trajectory in the field, and the evolution of her niche. They discuss the challenges new health coaches might face, the misconception that success will come easy without considerable effort, and the importance of putting adequate time and effort into building a business. Michelle emphasizes the importance of networking, advises against typical pitfalls such as overspending on digital marketing tools and services, and encourages focusing on providing value to customers rather than accumulating certifications. She also predicts legal regulations will become increasingly important in the health coaching industry.

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